The Legion of Mary is the largest organization of lay people in the Catholic Church with well over 3 million members in almost every country in the world. It helps its members become better Catholics through a balanced program of prayer and of service in the community, in union with the Holy Spirit, through Mary, the Mother of the Church. It is open to all Catholics from age 8 on up. The Parish unit is called a “praesidium”, which meets once a week for prayer, reports, and discussion. The members also participate weekly in a work of spiritual service in the community. The St. Anselm presidium meets on Monday mornings at 8:30 in St. Joseph Hall, immediately following 8:00 Mass. Anyone interested may join us as a guest at one of our meetings, and see the Legion from the inside. All you need is a willingness to sacrifice a little of your time and energy for the greatest reason in the world, the love of God. We are praying to increase our membership, as there are many needs for parish service. Please consider giving us a try. If you have any questions, call Elaine Selle contact number 504-382-4014.